Monday, January 24, 2011

Eckhart Tolle on the Beauty of Today

Eckhart Tolle on the Beauty of Today
By Eckhart Tolle

Now trees

Some people feel ambivalent about anniversaries, birthdays and the like. Some even feel a little guilty when they think about the past, though the memories may be pleasant. "Am I avoiding the present moment?" they ask. They belong to a growing number of people who are "practicing presence" "—endeavoring to let go of an excessive and unhealthy preoccupation with past and future, and embrace the place where life happens.

There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself. Or you can carry a burden of guilt (self-identification with mistakes) for many years. You may occasionally fondly remember events, places, or people from the past and while doing so be accepting of the impermanence of all things. Or you may wallow in nostalgia and see the past as more precious than the present.

Be vigilant, so that you don't allow a burden of negative past to accumulate in your mind, in the form of guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, anger, and so on. Forgiveness happens naturally as soon as you realize that the past cannot prevail against the power of Presence.

The future, too, needs to be honored, without making it more important in your mind than the present. Of course, you can make plans, and you can hold an intention in your mind of something that you wish to manifest in your life, and then take appropriate action. But the power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present. How do you do that? By recognizing the goodness that is already inherent in the present moment, even in the midst of challenges. Discontent, blaming, complaining, self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future, no matter how much effort you make.

Where to find that goodness when recession hits, when you lose your job, your home, when things seem to fall apart around you? In all the things that we tend to overlook: feeling the gentle breeze on your skin, the sunlight filtering through the clouds, the sound of the rain, the wagging tail of a dog, the shiny apple you are about to bite into. You notice the in-and-out flow of your breath, the feeling of aliveness inside your body. And then there is the beautiful stillness behind it all, which is deep within you. It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.

So let's celebrate our anniversaries as they arise. What we are really celebrating, though, is the present moment, the doorway into Spirit, and all there ever is. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20th Wolf Moon /Leopard Moon

January 20th Wolf Moon / Leopard Moon
a time lapse picture in France, courtesy of Space Weather 

The Moon is called the Wolf Moon by the Native Americans in the North because in the midwinter when the land is covered by snow, the howling of the wolves can be clearly heard at night.

Can art or music inform the ego of Presence?

Can art or music inform the ego of Presence? 

a message from Eckhart Tolle
Thursday, 20 January, 2011 

Q:  I’ve experienced Presence through music, and it’s a very profound sense of Grace that I feel… I am being ‘played’, in a sense I am an instrument.  In a way, what we call instruments are voices.  My question is about this connection to the Creative, and the artifacts that come.  Does art and music inform the ego of Presence?  How does one be part of that manifestation but not get too involved, to keep the distance, so one doesn’t become to obsessed with that process?

ET:  On the one hand, you have the creative process - music, or art.  And then you have the finished product - the piece of music that is played, or the work of art that somebody contemplates.  

When you ask, “Can art or music inform the ego of Presence?” – the ego doesn’t know anything about Presence, so it can’t do that.  There needs to be some opening in the ego in order [for you] to be receptive to the power that is latent in music or art, that was created from that deep place.

There’s a lot of music and art that’s not necessarily created from that deep place, but the ego is trying to be clever.  Let’s talk about some piece of music or work of art that comes out of connectedness with Stillness, or Presence.  To some extent, the work of art or the piece of music still carries that energy field.  It can put [a person] in touch with the deeper dimension within.  A there’s a little bit of an opening is required.  If there’s only the density of the ego, then the transformational possibilities of art or music are not realized.  A little opening is required in the viewer, or the listener, and then it can be quite a wonderful thing to listen to music or to contemplate a work of art.  You can be transported, if only for a moment, into that alert stillness out of which it originally came.  That’s a beautiful thing.

Another aspect is “losing oneself” – going too deep, almost losing oneself in the ground out of which creativity comes.  In the creative process, there’s always a balance that’s needed, so that you don’t lose yourself in Being.  It could happen to an artist, it can happen to some people who awaken spiritually – they suddenly plunge so deeply into Being that they lose all interest in doing.  That happened to some spiritual masters, who spent several years being without doing anything.

For example, Ramana Maharshi in India had to be fed for several years because he would not even pick up food.  He was so immersed in Being that he just sat there.  People recognized something extraordinary about him – which they would not have done in the West – and they put food in his mouth.  But there was certainly a loss of balance, he could no longer function in this world.  This of course, is an extreme example.  Gradually, after a few years he was beginning to function again, and he was able to regain a balance between dealing with things out here and connectedness with Being.  In a slightly minor way it happened to me, when I lost interest completely in ‘doing’ and drifted around for two years.  It wasn’t a “problem” to me, it was only a problem to people who were watching me, or who knew me.  So there was a loss of balance for a while, but gradually the balance re-established itself.  I didn’t have a teacher, as such, so it turned out to be a natural process.

As long as you go within, and give form to that which is resting in the formless, be used by it – so that through you it can come into this world of form.  Don’t stay down there and lose yourself in it – that’s not necessary.  

Music is a wonderful way of getting in touch with the stillness within.  

For the listener, it is important not to become dependent, however, on anything external to enter the state of Presence.  Whereas music can be a help, there too needs to be a balance.  If the only time you can become still is when you listen to a certain kind of music, then that’s not quite it, because you are depending on something external to get in touch with that.  Use it as a help, and this is the same as a spiritual teacher or spiritual teaching – it can be a great help to listen to a tape or see a video, but don’t become totally dependent on that.  Every good spiritual teacher will tell you, when the time comes “enough is enough”.  The true teacher is within you.  What you see in me, that which you find so precious in me, must be in you - otherwise you wouldn’t see it.  A good teacher will always direct you back to yourself, and not foster any kind of dependency.

Knowing what is a help, using it, but not becoming dependent.  Eventually it is necessary for you to go there without any help.  You can still appreciate teachers, and teachings.  I love listening to other spiritual teachers if they come from a deep place, I have great joy, and I think “Wow, this is so wonderful”.  Or reading a spiritual book that comes from the deepest place – there’s still great joy in that.  It has nothing to do with needing, it’s enjoying a slightly different expression of the same deep truth.  It’s wonderful.  

Also, you can see it wherever it is – no matter in what form it is hiding.  You can see the truth shining through wherever it is hiding.  It might be hiding in some ancient religion, very deeply.  There you see it, shining through – there may be a lot of mythology around it, a lot of cultural beliefs around it, and yet deep down there you can see this is the truth, shining through all the mythology around it and so on.  It is who you are.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Zodiac: Fact or Fiction? A 13th Astrological Sign ?

A New Zodiac: Fact or Fiction? A 13th Astrological Sign ?  

a message from Allison Rae 
Friday, 14 January, 2011  (posted 19 January, 2011)

The Serpent Awakens
Shrouded in mystery, the serpent awakens. As humanity encounters the great healer Ophiuchus, we plunge once more into the depths of becoming. Rebirth awaits.

I am celebrating today the dawn of ancient light on Earth. Sort of.

Maybe you've already seen the headline. The Serpent Holder apparently had a press conference.

The mainstream mediasphere lit up this week with tales of a new zodiac. Yes, there is potentially a 13th sign of the zodiac known in ancient times, and it's re-emerging into the astrological lexicon today. Unfortunately, the news reports are hopelessly garbled, and the table that's circulating showing "new dates" of the astrological signs is flat-out wrong.

I'm hearing from people all over asking about this announcement and a so-called "new zodiac." This is a complex subject and one best approached with an open mind and open heart. It's not as simple as a new zodiac versus the old one. In fact, there are more than two, depending on how you look at it. The dates of the astrological signs, with Ophiuchus considered, do not shift the way the news reports show. Still, the mystery is intriguing.
For the record:1. There is no "new zodiac." There's a sidereal zodiac and a tropical zodiac, both very old. There are other zodiacs, as well, in various traditions.2. Yes, there is a constellation called Ophiuchus (or Serpentarius), and the Sun transits this region of the sky each December.3. Ophiuchus may or may not be a sign of the zodiac, depending on your perspective. If he is considered a sign, he fits between Scorpio and Sagittarius.The challenge in understanding all this lies in the difference between the sidereal and tropical zodiacs, which is an issue western astrologers may have to come to terms with sooner rather than later. The impending revolution of astrology is a topic for another day.Over the past few years I've put a lot of energy into teaching and publishing about this subject, including several blog posts during the Sun's transit of Ophiuchus in 2010 and a special initiatory journey into the heart of Serpentarius (Ophiuchus' other name) in December.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.


Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. His grandfather began the family's long tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, serving from 1914 to 1931; his father has served from then until the present, and from 1960 until his death Martin Luther acted as co-pastor. Martin Luther attended segregated public schools in Georgia, graduating from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B. A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had graduated. After three years of theological study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he was elected president of a predominantly white senior class, he was awarded the B.D. in 1951. With a fellowship won at Crozer, he enrolled in graduate studies at Boston University, completing his residence for the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree in 1955. In Boston he met and married Coretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual and artistic attainments. Two sons and two daughters were born into the family.

In 1954, Martin Luther King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Always a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race, King was, by this time, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the leading organization of its kind in the nation. He was ready, then, early in December, 1955, to accept the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States, the bus boycott described by Gunnar Jahn in his presentation speech in honor of the laureate. The boycott lasted 382 days. On December 21, 1956, after the Supreme Court of the United States had declared unconstitutional the laws requiring segregation on buses, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Negro leader of the first rank.

In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. The ideals for this organization he took from Christianity; its operational techniques from Gandhi. In the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles. In these years, he led a massive protest in Birmingham, Alabama, that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. and inspiring his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", a manifesto of the Negro revolution; he planned the drives in Alabama for the registration of Negroes as voters; he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, "l Have a Dream", he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson; he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963; and became not only the symbolic leader of American blacks but also a world figure.

At the age of thirty-five, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.

On the evening of April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated.

Martin Timeline of Events

1929          Born at noon January 15,1929 - Parents: the Reverend and Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr
1944          Graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and was admitted to Morehouse College at age 15
1948          Graduates fro Morehouse College and enters Crozer Theological Seminary. Ordained to the Baptist ministry,  February 25, 1948, at age 19.
1951          Enter Boston University for graduate studies.
1953          Marries Coretta Scott and settles in Montgomery, Alabama.
1955          Receive Doctorate of Philosophy in Systematic theology from Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts on June 5, 1955.       Dissertation Title:  A Comparison of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Wiserman.   Joins the bus boycott after Rosa Parks was arrested on "December 1. On December 5, he is elected president  of the Montgomery Improvement Association, making him the official spokesman for the boycott.
1956         On November 13, the Supreme Court rules that  bus segregation is illegal, ensuring victory for the boycott.
1957         King forms the southern Christian Leadership Conference to fight segregation and achieve civil right. On  May 17, Dr. King speaks to a crowd of 15,000 in Washington, D.C.
1958         The U.S. Congress passed the first Civil Rights Act since reconstruction. King's first book, Stride Toward Freedom, is published.  On a speaking tour, Martin Luther King, Jr. is nearly killed when stabbed by an assailant in Harlem. Met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with Roy Wilkins, A. Philip Randolph, and Lester Grange on problems affecting black Americans. 
1959    Visited India to study Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence.  Resigns from pastoring the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church to concentrate on civil rights full time. He moved to Atlanta to direct the activities of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. 
1960         Becomes co-pastor with his father at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Lunch counter sit-ins began in Greensboro, North Carolina. In Atlanta, King is arrested during a sit-in waiting to be served at a restaurant. He is sentenced to four months in jail, but after intervention by John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, he is released.  Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee founded to coordinate protests at Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 
1961    In November, the Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel due to work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Freedom Riders.  Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) began first Freedom Ride through the South, in a Greyhound bus, after the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed segregation in interstate transportation. 
1962    During the unsuccessful Albany, Georgia movement, King is arrested on July 27 and jailed.
1963    On Good Friday, April 12, King is arrested with Ralph Abernathy by Police Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor for demonstrating without a permit.  On April 13, the Birmingham campaign is launched. This would prove to be the turning point in the war to end segregation in the South. During the eleven days he spent in jail, MLK writes his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail.  On May 10, the Birmingham agreement is announced. The stores, restaurants, and schools will be desegregated, hiring of blacks implemented, and charges dropped.  On June 23, MLK leads 125,000 people on a Freedom Walk in Detroit.   The March on Washington held August 28 is the largest civil rights demonstration in history with nearly 250,000 people in attendance.  At the march, King makes his famous I Have a Dream speech.  On November 22,President Kennedy is assassinated.   
1964     On January 3, King appears on the cover of Time magazine as its Man of the Year.  King attends the signing ceremony of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the White House on July 2.  During the summer, King experiences his first hurtful rejection by black people when he is stoned by Black Muslims in Harlem.  King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10. Dr. King is the youngest person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace at age 35. 
1966       On January 22, King moves into a Chicago slum tenement to attract attention to the living conditions of the poor.    In June, King and others begin the March Against Fear through the South.   On July 10, King initiates a campaign to end discrimination in housing, employment, and schools in Chicago. 
1967       The Supreme Court upholds a conviction of MLK by a Birmingham court for demonstrating without a permit. King spends four days in Birmingham jail.  On November 27, King announces the inception of the Poor People's Campaign focusing on jobs and freedom for the poor of all races. 
1968       King announces that the Poor People's Campaign will culminate in a March on Washington demanding a $12 billion Economic Bill of Rights guaranteeing employment to the able-bodied, incomes to those unable to work, and an end to housing discrimination.   Dr. King marches in support of sanitation workers on strike in Memphis, Tennessee.   On March 28, King lead a march that turns violent. This was the first time one of his events had turned violent.   Delivered I've Been to the Mountaintop speech.   At sunset on April 4, Martin Luther King, Jr. is fatally shot while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.   There are riots and disturbances in 130 American cities. There were twenty thousand arrests.   King's funeral on April 9 is an international event.  Within a week of the assassination, the Open Housing Act is passed by Congress. 
1986     On November 2, a national holiday is proclaimed in King's honor. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who’s In Charge Of The Humans?

Who’s In Charge Of The Humans?
a message from Sonia Barrett
Friday, 18 June, 2010 

This is a question that is well worth examining from many different angles. Who is in charge of the humans, do humans need handlers/controllers? Humans are hard wired to be controlled; hard wired for slavery. Because of this the vast majority readily accept the need for control by government, corporations, religion/spiritual constructs and education. These systems are presented to us from birth as separate forces through which our lives are subtly restricted and controlled. 
It is clear that this kind of hard wiring convinces us to relinquish our power to those who have hypnotized us into believing that they know what is best for us. Guidance from our parents is certainly essential upon entering this realm of forgetfulness. However the above systems of control have acted as an extension of the guidance of our parents. Reality as experienced from its more basic and common levels is a unique cult experience (yes I said cult experience) as we sway to subtle tones of conformity. We cling dearly to common actions, common possibilities and common results. Even our scientists struggle with pushing the envelope and there are those who have suffered great ridicule or worse for birthing new possibilities although not yet proven. (Unless of course such discoveries can be used to more easily enslave). “Cultures” are models of a much vaster cult experience. Within any culture there are prototypes or standards by which this “cultural system” will operate.  It therefore challenges a mind born, raised and shaped completely by one culture or ideal in functioning in newly introduced cultures. Our brains are wired to the hologram of cultural norms and acceptability’s. It is for this reason that we are wired to fight and to defend the nerve center of our hologram which for many is the culture associated with their land or community. Humans are all about timing as we appear to be on cyclic timers determining the surge of new concepts and ideas which will emerge with gradual acceptance at first by a few and eventually by all. We are on the brink of a massive technological upsurge. This coincides with the much emphasized Mayan prophecies centered on the year 2012 and that which comes afterward.
We have been taught to honor the cycles as our ancestors have but it’s evident that unless we can connect with planetary history some million years ago we will continue to run into dead ends leading us back to a reconfigured concept of earth. I am speaking of frequencies which create a distinct field of limited experiences for a human being. We are operating in a field of tones which assist in rendering levels of the brain inaccessible. Just as we can only see colors within the scope of the field created for us to operate within, when we listen to certain kinds of music which is elevating to the spirit and to the brain we are only hearing and experiencing a limited scope of the dimensions of those tones; the frequencies of those tones.  Keep in mind that this is all within the expression of the game. The purpose of such observation is to stimulate the mind beyond this isolated and captivating playing field held together by our own minds. The cycles determine a potential collective shift in humans becoming increasingly self-aware or as we say an evolution in consciousness. This acceptance is widespread as much is heard about the shift in consciousness for the planet. So should one honestly examine these observations you will realize precisely what I have expressed.  We are excited about the possibility of experiencing something new other than the feeling of spiritual and physical helplessness so we delight in the possibility of the ending and beginning of a new cycle. But can we stop for a moment to examine the nature of the wheel that we have rendered ourselves powerless to? It’s as if humanity is caught on a hamster wheel.  Most of our observation is centered on the general movement of the cosmic system. Yes examine that word carefully, “system”. Our consciousness is wired to a timed cosmic system. Wikipedia: “The term system may also refer to a set of rules that governs behavior or structure”.
Atlantis is a system program a code strongly responsible for the energy field of intercepting tones which ensure the imprisonment of the mind in this field of limitation. Is this farfetched? No because those kinds of experiments are being carried out by humans on the planet at this time. This is the age of technological advancements. The question is were these cycles orchestrated and preset to impact the human wiring, the human programming, the brain, the mind based on a specific time; of course “time” as determined by the number of cycles in rotation. A specific response is triggered by the ending and beginning of each period; simply another experiment within the human game.  The entire cosmic system within which we are confined appears to be intricately designed and upon contact with the harmonics (hormones/chemicals) of the human vehicle a psychedelic experience is triggered presenting us with a pre recorded construct of the reality we are now addicted to. However due to unique chemical signatures each being is able to construct his/her own version of reality who’s core foundation will always be rooted in the general cosmic system coding. To better understand the movement of  the cyclic process and its impact on our lives here is a quote from a three part workshop I did in February 2010 titled Hacking the Mind & Breaking Reality Code (the full 7 hours is available for download or CD & DVD);
“The concept of a Human being is a program setup to allow the existence of the life of human beings to run/live for a predestined number of cycles, regulated by the moon.
Although most people are aware of the passing of cycles and their general effect on human life they are not aware of the true nature of the boundaries set by these cycles. We are not aware of a programmed confinement to the general blueprint or program. The most obvious cyclic regulators from our limited vision are the sun and the moon. These cycle regulators are streaming the programs based on the blueprint or program. Our bodies are dependent on the sun and the moon. They completely regulate our sleeping and waking cycles. They regulate chemical transitions such as the synthesizing of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin. The daylight brings us Serotonin and the night time brings us melatonin. The brain responds to the light change. These cycles put us to bed and they wake us up. They also keep track of our life cycle more specifically the moon. You may wander as I did how it is that the body knows to start puberty after so many cycles or birthdays, how does the body know to start shutting you down. The individual cycles are determined by the planetary alignment at the time of the birth of each program/human, each program is generated intentionally based on a particular zodiacal cycle according to the history of the program stream associated with the genetic lineage through which the individual (program) will emerge along the history stored in the holographic record keeper called the soul.
Our bodies are tied into the calendar cycles based on the movement of the planet based on the moon cycle and the impact of all other planets in our orbit, solar system, the entire scape/landscape backdrop seen and unseen it’s all a programmed reality relating to our experience as a human being. The universe as we know it is a holographic system within which all of its components are then holographic. The hologram is a program. Everything is moving and tied into the cycles of this holographic machine. It’s a dreamscape. To participate in the experience of this holographic dream world without losing sight of one’s memory one must become a conscious animator of one’s vehicle/body and dream experience. What I have come to realize even more profoundly is the manner in which our entire physical experience is programmed into to this holographic experience, as I indicated before we are a program a running program in the program of the hologram, we are running programs”
So let’s take it a step further. Let’s examine this vast playground of beings centered around the game of earth. Is it possible that this shift is really about the dying away of gurus, guides, savors and our old concepts of ascended masters. Is it possible that there is a struggle to keep the general populous from awakening to the fact they are no longer needed. What if this is a window of opportunity that will remove the veil for a brief moment for those who are open to seeing the illusion of the game and the hypnotizers of humanity; those who wired humans with the savor program and the external god program. When you examine the Lord Maitreya movement, they have constructed an entire school based on the opportunity for students to step up and assume various cosmic offices not unlike the office of the Christ held by Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara or as overseers of the planet. There is also the office of the “god” of the planet. Everyone wants to be in charge of earth. Now all of these beings report back to a “god” so the question is, who is it that they report to. There is an actual distinctly advanced force to which they report and it is their job to bring everyone else, such as us, into the fold of this specific force. Here we have the lightworkers. They have been brought into the light as defined by the masters who rule, what level/aspect of light are they dealing with. One may say that this is utter nonsense and another may be quite on board for this. Now I heard such comments as “this is just ridiculous as Jesus is the true light of the world and he is coming back”, I have also heard this is correct because St Germain said so or Archangel Michael said so. Well what do you say? You are equally as great as all these forces presented to you. The psychology of this kind of brain washing is staggering yet it can be seen in all of our daily lives.
There has been quite a number done on the human mind in programming an acceptance of feebleness and an inaccessibility to the sovereign power source which is you! I am sure that there will be comments which state that “since they are still us what does it matter” well you are correct it does not matter at least not to you but for those of you like myself who would prefer to peel away the costumes and throw away the crutch behind which your worthiness is hidden as we limp along in the game then it matters. IT IS A GAME! Games are to be played and figured out! In this level of the game we have the opportunity to go beyond this limited aspect of the game but one cannot do so unless we allow ourselves to see the humor of the game and the amazing master players who continue to assist us to hold on to the deception.   You begin to ask questions like why are we so minimally encouraged to tap into ourselves without these third parties who continue to refer to us as “Dear Ones” or “little ones” basically?  The majority of these handlers are males! How lopsided is this! There is no balance in gender frequency/vibration. This is a giant male frequency dominated game through and through!  The focus here is from an energy perspective so please set aside anatomy or anatomic value. The male and female genders are like everything else all vibration based; it is about the charge that each holds or represents; a positive and a negative charge. Although we each hold both frequencies in these bodies one frequency becomes the primary frequency which the individual will re-present in the game; a male or female charge. This entire process should indeed raise a red flag but due to our programming of acceptability there is minimal questioning or such concerns are subtly validated. Most of the vessels for such communication are women however which lends a certain level of camouflage or distraction away from the obvious. On a deeper note this is the design/construct of the game experience so again I am only pointing out these trappings of the game only if one is open to viewing further down the rabbit hole and if you are not great! This is without a doubt a fascinating game. To delve more deeply into much of this information you may view my other article titled Government of the Matrix .
To continue an examination into the self appointed offices and officers of the planet below is a quote from Dr Joseph David Stone a supporter and student of Lord Maitreya:
“To begin with, the “Office of the Christ” on a planetary level is an inner plane Spiritual governmental position that Lord Maitreya has held for over 2000 years! He took over this position even prior to the Master Jesus’ sojourn on Earth! It was Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ, who overlighted Jesus, along with the Christ, the second aspect of the Trinity. A great many of the famous quotes of Jesus were actually channelings Jesus was doing of Lord Maitreya and the Christ which is why they are so profound! Lord Maitreya, as the current Planetary Christ, is the President of the Planet and is the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. On the planetary level he also holds an overlighting synthesis Spiritual leadership of the Seven Chohans and the Seven Ray departments. He and the Manu Allah Gobi, and the Mahachohan/Saint Germain along with Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos are given a certain structure or grid of the Divine Plan from Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos, and it is their job to fill in their squares so to speak with all their Spiritual battleplans along with the Seven Chohans and the leader of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram.
The Spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram was passed on to me by the inner plane Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, who has left for his next cosmic position at the Great White Lodge on Sirius but still works with the Earth as well! The inner plane Synthesis Ashram is a miniaturized Office of the Christ which is part of my attunement to Lord Maitreya and the Office of the Christ!
It is the purpose of the Office of the Christ to create integrated Planetary Christs and/or 12th to 22nd degree initiates and Masters. This is done through Spiritual education through a Seven Ray synthesis approach!  Lord Maitreya, Allah Gobi the Manu, and Saint Germain the Mahachohan form a Trinity, just as God, Christ and the Holy Spirit is a Trinity!”
Again you may call this entire thing crazy but if it’s so crazy then why is the United Nation so involved in supporting the Lord Maitreya’s movement. I will not cover it in the scope of this article as it would be a very lengthy article but I will say this there is a great fear of humanity discovering that we have been operating under this deceptive spiritual umbrella. This is the tie in with pretty much all spiritual organizations. They all have an individual force to which they hold allegiance. For humans to discover the freedom to be a sovereign force that recognizes that he/she is creation in a profound way without the need for the crutch of worshipping outside of him/herself, this would affect the current construct of the game. I believe that it is clear that very few will shift beyond that leg of reasoning in the game at least in this moment of time as we are experiencing it. I also do not believe that everyone is to awaken to that realization. We are all walking into the experiences needed along the way and some humans require this kind of illusory leadership in fulfilling the outline of their game experience in this realm. After all we are all in this cosmic game system for the sheer joy of the experience, from planetary god to Ascended Master to limited human. We are engaged in the game of ruler and subject. Those things that are shared here in this article or in any of my other writings are for those who find a resonance with it. For some there is a tugging and a deep yearning to pierce the bubble which one may feel confined to.  Sometimes you get glimpses beyond the bubble, a quick image that shows you that there are options of a more vast life not beholden to the rulers of the planet. Although reality exists in a paradox of real and unreal within those moments of interaction and feedback we are involved in process of the game in whatever way that may be.  Now lest I be chastised I am not saying that all communicative beings are out to get us. There are many who wish us well and do hope that we are able to see beyond the smoke and mirrors of a cosmic game and game players who have been at it for quite some time.
Do I feel as if I need to fix anything? No! Do I feel as if the world needs to be saved? No! Do I need to shout about the Sacred Feminine? No! The only thing that I need to do is to simply be and to embrace the knowingness that I am that which I seek. Where ever you are in your role playing at this time is an experience to be acknowledged and appreciated for in any given moment that experience may cease to be and new possibilities will perhaps be embraced. We are profound beings in an a-maze-ing adventure of self discovery! Go beyond the light where there is no light only nothingness and from there we create just as we have this mind boggling experience we call life!  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Message from Archangel Michael for 2011

The New Earth Energies January 2011

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn  Friday, 7 January, 2011 

Beloved Family of Light, how joyous and wonderful it is that the Earth has completed the transition that began at the time of the Grand Cross alignment in 2010. At that time, you knew that major changes were occuring in your world as the Planet began to realign herself for the final phases of her shift into the Fifth Dimension and the New Timeline. By the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 4th of January, the Earth will be fully aligned with her new trajectory and her new frequency, which will ensure tat she will arrive on time in December 2012 for her rendezvous with the Galactic Timegate and her entry into "no time" or the "infinity frequency".

Indeed, Beloved Ones, the shift that has been made in the last months of 2010 was primarily about Time and your Perception of Time in relation to your lives on Planet Earth. The shift into the Fifth Dimension of Light is a shift into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. The energy at this level vibrates at a higher and more accelerated rate than at the Third Dimension. But, and here we ask for your attention, for there is a paradox here that is important to your experience of the New Reality. In the Fifth Dimension of Light, accelerated frequency is experienced as slower time! In the Third Dimension, the new frequency is experienced as faster time and things seem to be moving too fast.

The Earth herself has now shifted fully into the new Fifth-dimensional Timeline, but as an act of Grace, she is allowing the Third-dimensional Timeline to continue and to co-exist with the new timeline up until 2012. The population of Earth thus has time to adjust to the new frequency and timeline. Both will be available as options until mid 2012, when the old Third-dimensional timeline will be collapsed as the Earth begins her journey through the 2012 Timegate into the the "No Time/Infinity Frequency" or the zone of Infinite Consciousness. At this time, all on the Earth will begin preparation for the giant leap of "conscious evolution" into the New Age of Light and Peace.

Beloved Ones, you have been the pioneers for this shift, and now we ask you to become aware of how your perception of time will be crucial to your personal shift in the next eighteen months. You will learn to know when you are in the old time paradigm heading for a dead end, and when you are in the new time paradigm and on the path forward. On the old timeline, you will experience the acceleration of frequency as a feeling of time passing too fast, of being stressed, rushed, and anxious, with too much to do.

On the new Fifth-dimensional timeline you will feel as though everything has slowed down and that there is plenty of time to accomplish what is necessary. You will feel calm and peaceful, and you will know that all is in Divine Order in your life. You will experience a sense of Abundance and Wellbeing, no matter what your financial situation might be. And, you will have a sense of the possibility of miracles in your life as you move forward on the adventure of life on Earth.
Grounding into the New Timeline
Beloveds, it is important that you ground yourselves into this new Timeline and allow your Light Body and your Physical Body to become accustomed to these new frequencies and vibrations. For, your body will be vibrating energetically at an increased rate, but you will experience life more slowly.

Initially, you may experience some inner confusion, your body may feel unco-ordinated and heavy, you may feel clumsy and out of synch with yourself. You may also experience anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns, exhaustion, dizziness and nausea, as your body deals with the new time frequncies. These temporary symptoms are what we would call "motion sickenss" as your body adjusts and recalibrates on the new frequencies.

Know too, Beloveds, that your Physical Body is also in this process of shifting and aligning to pass through the 2012 Timegate into Infinite Time. So, we suggest that you nurture your body with love and care and that you ensure that you live a balanced life. Release any old dramas that remain from the past and enter fully into the energy of Love and Forgiveness. And, on a daily basis, ensure that your Physical and Light Bodies are aligned with Divine Will.

In order to achieve this, we will offer here a daily activation and meditation that will be helpful. This is similar to the last meditation that we offered, but it has been upgraded to adapt to the new energy shifts that you will work with from the Solar Eclipse completion on the 4th of January. Begin by simply focussing your energy into the Heart and breathing deeply. Know that in the Fifth Dimension, your consciousness is anchored in your Heart. Experience that reality as a deep sense of Unconditional Love and Connection to All That Is. Feel also the deep Peace that is part of that Consciousness.

Then, allow that energy to move downwards through the solar plexus, the sacral and the base chakras and down into the Earth Star Chakra, located within the Earth just beneath your feet. Feel how you are now anchoring your energy into the Earth, into the New Crystalline Grids of the Fifth Dimension as they connect with your Earth Star Chakra. Now, let that energy move further down to connect with the Crystal Heart at the center of the Earth. Here you feel the deep and unconditional Shekinah Love of the Earth Mother coming up to you, through the Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Hold that Love in your Heart, and know that you are deeply Loved and Nurtured by the Earth Mother, and that you are in Alignment with the Divine Will for the Earth, as expressed through the evolution of the Planet into Multi-dimensional Reality.

Now, let the energy move up your body, through the Throat, Brow and Crown chakras, and up into the Soul Star Chakra that is located just above the head. Here, you connect with your Soul and your Higher Self, your I AM presence as it anchors into your Physical Form. Here you can also connect with your Purpose for being here now, and with your Divine Essence. Feel the Unconditional Love and Beauty of your Soul as you align with your Higher Purpose for this lifetime. It feels wonderful and filled with brilliant and radiant light. Now, let that energy move upwards through the Dimensions of Light to the Great Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Here you feel the Infinite Love of the Source for All that Is. Draw that pulsating and radiant light back down into your Heart and hold it there.

Now - you are aligned with Divine Will, for yourself and for the Earth. When you are in this alignment, you will find it a simple matter to be grounded into the Fifth-dimensional Timeline and to experience the energies of Peace, Calm and Abundance. Life will become Simple and Clear as you follow the Divine Guidance that will come to you on this new Timeline of Grace and Love.
Manifesting Peace in the New Earth Timeline
Beloved Family of Light, we would now speak to you a little about the energy of Peace that is so important at this time.

Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict. Peace is rather a distinct energy that radiates Unconditional Love and Compassion and Acceptance of All. It is first an inner energy that must be cultivated in the Heart, before it can be experienced in the outer reality.

Beloved Ones, we know that you have worked hard in the last years to heal all those inner conflicts and angers that have prevented you from coming into the experience of inner peace, and now many of you are living in that inner joy and peace and so are able to be anchor points for these energies on the New Earth.

We ask, Beloved Ones, that you continue to work for that beautiful state of inner peace and lightness, that you may share these energies with others. The key to this state of inner Peace is to have your consciousness anchored at the Heart, and to live always in a state of conscious awareness and forgiveness. be ready to forgive and release at all times, and become conscious of when and how you fall out of the state of inner peace. In this conscious state, you will be able to maintain your inner Peace for longer periods, and so to create that energy of Peace and Love around you. This energy will be a seed point for the manifestation of the New Earth and the New Earth Timeline. Each person who achieves this becomes a Master of Light and is able to begin to manifest the New Earth on the New Timeline in their lives right now.

Beloved Ones, by the time that you enter the 2012 Timegate, there will be many of you who will be Masters of Light and Time, and you will be the navigators that will guide Humanity through the Timegate and into the New Reality. It is now that you are asked to begin to work intensely with these skills and abilities, so that you may truly fulfil the purpose for which you came to the Earth at this time.
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life
Beloved Ones, you may indeed ask, what does this mean in terms of my day to day life? And we would answer that in this New Timeline your life will become more "authentic" and filled with the energy and Light of your Soul and your Divine I AM presence.

You will become aware of the flow of your Soul Light in your daily life, and you will hear those directions and suggestions that come from the Higher Sources. You will learn to trust these directions and to flow with the synchronicities and desires and miracles that occur on the flow of the creative partnership between the Higher Self, and the Ego Self as Master of Light. That is what it means to live a "soul-full" life, where each day is filled with the passion and light of the guidance of the Soul and the Higher Self.

When you live in this way. Beloved Ones, then your life becomes and authentic expression of Who You Are on all levels. The Higher Self, and the Ego Self, work together in a wonderful partnership that ensures that you experience peace and joy on all levels of your being as you begin to manifest the New Earth Reality in your own life.

And so, Beloved Family of Light, in this year that lies ahead, you will be learning and experiencing in a wonderful way. The most important date for you in this year will be the 11th of November, when the 11/11/11 Stargate will provide the final recalibrations of the Earth for its journey to the Galactic Plane alignment on the 12/12/12 and the Journey through the Timegate on the 21/12/12.

So, Beloved Ones, we wish you much Joy and Love as your Journey continues in the Year of 2011.