Happy Birthday To Our Elder Brother J. (Jesus)!
November/December 2010 Newsletter
Christ Jesus through Virginia Essene

At this Christmas time, then, I ask all people everywhere to join hearts, without judgment of any kind—and embrace a mutual heartfelt gratitude for the Creator who has granted all of you eternal life. Know, also, that we of heaven offer forgiveness to anyone who seeks it, including the tendency to judge other religions and their teachings.
Please remember that on earth or in the heavenly realms there is no separation! You are one family. Consequently, there are trillions of us available to help you remember and practice this unity truth while you are here in physical life. You have only to ask for your own soul’s wisdom, which has contact with our realms, to specifically help you become more spiritually conscious and expressive!
Beloveds, let me make it absolutely clear that just as each of you has our help, you also have contacts with other humans who are either your spiritual companions—or those who may be ready to appreciate the caring values you consistently express with them. In this way, you are the light of this world, which I stated long, long ago, so you truly are part of our earth team to help as many other people as you can.
You are each ministers, dear hearts, whether you have official credentials or not. You are ministers of the light, of peace, of love, wherever you go, whatever you do...not as a heavy burden but as the expression of your eternal, divine nature.
Moreover, you are the Creator’s earthly family and you resonate with others energetically to form groups and communities of greater exponential power. This is the same biblical teaching for today, just as it was spoken long ago as “where two or more are gathered, an additional spiritual power is added.”
You are using this principle today as “Community Creativity,” especially with the advent of internets, cell phones and ever-expanding technological inventions. Today, it is easy to find “two or more” loving energies to accomplish your light service. And, as I often mention, these technical inventions will be pouring into human consciousness now as you enter into a slightly more humane Yuga realm of awareness—with its vast scientific and technological knowledge! In a way, you are remembering, or regaining knowledge from a prior time with a higher level of knowledge.
Indeed, as humanity experiences receiving greater scientific and technological knowledge, you must consciously establish a regulatory process that assures this powerful information is safely applied. Yes, I ask you to do your part as divine and planetary citizens to assure that spiritually immature people are not allowed access to this information without adequate rules to protect the planet and its many life forms.
Yet even these upcoming changes for your betterment that may seem fearful and unfamiliar still deserve the gratitude and appreciation of the human family, for you are now gradually returning to the galactic regions from which you came. So kindly join with me in giving gratitude to our Mother/Father Creator for having a plan of evolution that offers life an eternal opportunity to learn the lessons of wisdom and love wherever life exists in the Creator’s many mansions. Yes, let us join hearts for a quiet moment of gratitude, beloveds. Let us pause and deeply feel the sincerest gratitude possible for all life...for the Mother/Father’s wisdom and love...for your own expanding consciousness...and also for your unremembered divinity.
Then I honor each as you as you are today and I will continue my loving support for you in all realms, times and places, as I—and many others—have done for eons. I invite you to remember that you are the offspring of an energy beyond words to describe but which can be felt within the fullness of love in your heart.
Once, long ago when I came to earth, I made a promise to humanity which I wish to repeat again today. “In our father’s house are many mansions...” which essentially means there is a place for everyone who wishes to open their heart and come. It was a simple promise and touched the hearts of many people then, just as there are many alive today who understand and believe that promise in its simple language.
Yet I wish to update what that statement means in your 21st Century concepts so you can have both the sweetness of the promise and the language of this scientific time period.
Today I might describe heaven as ... “interpenetrating levels of life and consciousness” which are attained by your state of consciousness and caring activities during life on earth. And like a magnet, at physical death when your spirit is released, it will be drawn to the highest realm which recognizes it as family now returning to be honored and included in further experiences.
So, however you wish to remember my promise that there are many mansions in our Mother/Father’s house, or that heaven has interpenetrating levels of life and consciousness, be assured there is an extraordinary homeland awaiting your return. Therefore, beloveds, give gratitude that this is true and always hold fast to the truth that you are part of a vast creation of wisdom and love expressing itself in many times and places beyond your present comprehension to understand.
You were created with wisdom to be wise, and with love to create love, joy and peace.
Enjoy these qualities and give gratitude they can be part of your earthly experience.
As I leave you today, I want to thank you with deep spiritual gratitude for your willingness to grow and visit planet earth to help humanity learn the value of love, joy and peace.
Know that I remain your faithful elder brother who remembers who you really are, and who wishes you a wonderful holiday season in which you deeply feel this emotion called gratitude. Claim it now...and for the rest of your life.
Happy Birthday To Our Elder Brother J. (Jesus)!