January/February 2011 Newsletter
Beloved humans of good will and friends of the Love Corps Newsletter,
It is once again my joy and privilege to achieve this spiritual connection with you and embrace your thoughts and feelings with celestial love and appreciation for your soul’s commitment to this earthly experience you call life. Then feel this infusion of the gold and silver radiances of the Creator’s wisdom and love this very moment so you may be enriched and supported as you persevere during this extraordinary year of unexpected changes. Yes, pause and breathe in the power of this energy right now before I continue this message. Breathe in love and wisdom...and be still!
Be still and know.
Be still and feel God’s eternal loving support.
Since my last message, you have experienced some profound celestial energies from December 21 when you had the winter solstice frequencies and a lunar eclipse followed closely by the solar eclipse energies through January 4–5. These combined the power of what you call the feminine and masculine aspects of love and wisdom so you could more easily cleanse whatever negative thoughts and emotions were still resident in your being, bringing you a more secure state of balance no matter what fearful, external events might occur.
In the same way each of you needs to be emotionally balanced, so must both small and large groups, even entire countries, especially those where greed and avarice dwell and freedom is longed for by the people. In your nation, the United States, and other technological nations, government officials have yet to account to the public about vulnerability in the banking and financial areas. Indeed, duplicity and lies are still hidden to be reckoned with! So the remainder of the year could yet release other hidden, unpalatable facts about individuals, groups, and nations.
When these are discovered, some citizens will feel called to respond with anger and outrage, at various levels and in various ways. So you must allow both the cleansing within each personhood, and within groups and nations, as well, in order to cleanse and purify humanity’s awareness. This cleansing of the negative energies is essential to help you move from the linear time 3rd dimensional levels into higher states of consciousness that take you forward into 4th and 5th dimensional space/time...where we would have you be! This means many expressions of negative attitudes and actions by many downtrodden or disempowered people will occur that may seem alarming to you. Just remember it is part of the consciousness shift you came to experience and utilize for the greater good of all.
While you observe these outer circumstances, just remember that the energy that feeds others to create their more strident desires is also available to you. It is the perfect moment, actually, for you to notice your own inner negativity and persevere through whatever changes you must make in yourself! As you release negative perceptions, emotions and actions, do this individually and purposefully—knowing that as you become a brighter beacon of light you affect and support other’s advancement. Indeed, beloveds, as you join with other people inside of various companies and organizations you begin to use the celestial power of COMMUNITY CREATIVITY.
When I came to earth long ago in those darker unconscious ages, I had to explain and identify the power of community creativity in simple terms such as...“Where two or more are gathered, there also is God’s assistance.”
So I remind you to use this celestial power in yourself —and with others—to increase national and international consciousness. Yes, this perseverance takes both courage and willingness. It truly requires deliberate perseverance by your personality to learn and grow so that your spirit is not limited in achieving the goals for which you came.
Beloveds, this is truly the potential moment of conscious advancement you have dreamt of, and now it is here, already partially achieved because you have done so much. We can only thank you with our deepest congratulations! And promise our further support as you notice and address the greater goal in sight to utilize both personal and community creativity. Then kindly let us surround your mission with our love as we ask you to increase your perseverance to move toward this achievable result. Kindly do this shifting with a gracious intensity so that healing and cleansing can be achieved at vital, innumerable levels.
Then may I come as your elder brother and invite you to consider making a plan to honestly examine any negative limitations which you, your family, and friends, may still hold inside the recesses of your cellular structure and emotional attitudes? For the more of these limitations you can release, the finer your energy field becomes, thus achieving more joy, peace and love within your nature. As you are cleansed you are not cleansed alone. Quite the opposite! We have continued for years to remind you that these higher positive electromagnetic energies, which will now be more resident in and around you, can automatically cause your own improved state of energy frequency. Then let us encourage you to extend that which you now possess.
Yes, dear ones, you can now more automatically share a positive affect on other people, animals, plants, trees, etc. as you release your dense and dreary feelings of past pain and suffering! Indeed, as the higher your own state of consciousness rises, you blossom with a more heavenly radiance that other people and living things can actually notice and experience!
For haven’t you been with someone who is having a really “upbeat day”—as you call it—and find your own spirit being lifted? You become happier just by their presence, for love and laughter are humanity’s most creative energies. Love and laughter are stronger than fear and they are divinely granted to your body and consciousness but they must deliberately be selected by you!
These incoming photon energies can affect you, much like the food at a buffet table, where you have so many different choices available in various forms. We recommend you look at the variety your daily spiritual buffet offers and choose what you wish to select that will bring you love, joy and peace.
As an example, when you wake up in the morning what part of the spiritual buffet will you choose? Will you immediately intend to have a good day? Please stop and think a moment. How do you usually leave sleep behind and enter into a new day’s consciousness?
I will pause here and ask you to think back over the past week and notice what pattern of daily awakening you have chosen. Don’t be critical, and please avoid any sense of blame—if it arises. Just notice...and of course, we understand that different days of the week and the events you’ve planned may discourage sameness....Pause now and recall what your most usual “morning awakening pattern” is...
Notice how and when you open your eyes and begin to move your body. How long does it take you to awaken? Are you a slow or a quick riser? There are no judgments; you are simply finding out what seems to be the most general pattern of “getting up” behavior you have.
Some people take time to meditate while others pause a moment to give gratitude to their soul and angels and teachers for their constancy and devotion. Indeed, if you do not meditate upon arising, which we recommend, do you at least use prayers, or blessings of gratitude, to start the day? Or minimally, do you deliberately choose a mood of pleasantness, harmony and peace? As creators during this extraordinary moment in human evolution, are you taking advantage of the new energy frequencies you are now receiving to create ongoing positive attitudes that are truly supportive to your everyday life?
If you notice and acknowledge that you are not starting the day feeling connected to spirit, what change might you decide to make so you truly feel loved as you start the day?
It is not too late to choose the life you have always desired by evaluating what new attitudes and activities are needed. Then you have the power to move toward them while you have this opportunity to be fed the divine light that is increasingly available. Believe me, starting the day in pleasantness and a readiness to open your eyes and move into positive action is “worth its weight in gold.”
Indeed, we watch many of you make a good start to the day, especially if you have slept well and feel physically healthy. For those who are ill and depressed, of course, the challenge exists to overcome the negative situation. This choice of beginning and maintaining peace every day may seem challenging, but the result of your accomplishment is monumental in its effect. Long ago, some churches and religious groups separated themselves from the distractions of the outer world. People were sequestered and the trials of the outside world were kept to a minimum by separating the sexes—with nuns and brothers living in separate housing. Some continue that practice even today.
Yet for those living in the secular world, we invite you to notice how you start your morning when you awaken. What thoughts do you have that consciously claim your connection to a greater power? At the least, do you deliberately start the day joyfully? We often notice that your list of daily things to do is quite lengthy, often labeled as important and appear more like work than joy. Indeed, many of you immediately turn your thoughts to the daily list you expect to accomplish before pausing to deliberately connecting with the power always available within.
Of course many people assume that they are permanently connected to spirit as a child of God, which is true. At the same time, with these extraordinary photon energies currently available, it may be wise to just acknowledge their availability and use them s frequently as possible!
We see so many families who never have even one person in the group capable of positive energy either before, during or after breakfast. Indeed, too few families do not even eat together in western technological countries these days—with everyone “doing their own thing” unless the children are very small and need individual care. A cheerful start to the day among families, or for any individual, contains the possibilities of many wonderful experiences or synchronicities because the person’s energy is high and focused on giving and receiving.
Then as the day proceeds, do you retain that sense of spiritual connectedness as you move among the many activities of your daily life? If you work in an office environment, or are busy elsewhere, do you bring something colorful or uplifting for your eyes to glance upon even during busy times? Something that lifts your spirit?
And most important of all, do you pick up your spiritual telephone connection to celestial realms and “touch base” several times a day to see if there is any important information of value awaiting your intention. Maybe a chance meeting that spirit is trying to arrange for you? Perhaps an unexpected and valuable contact you couldn’t imagine happening? Some people forget that their guides are always trying to provide helpful, joyful connections, but if you aren’t paying attention to the information they are trying to relay, you could miss many helpful things.
Ask yourself, dear one, as you use your physical telephone on earth—or your many new technological gadgets—is there a daily phone call to heaven you should be making that could be more informative than what you are receiving from earthly devices?
I have explained many times that since you have higher energy frequencies affecting you now—and since your experience of time has decreased—it is truly essential to keep connected with your guidance as frequently as possible. So brief and quiet pauses to turn your attention toward your spiritual support, throughout your day, can be enormously beneficial. For one thing it reinforces your belief that you always have spiritual help! And secondly, if gives you frequent practice to “tune in” for any emergency situation that might be essential. IT IS URGENT IN THESE CHANGING TIMES THAT EACH OF YOU REMAINS IN TOUCH WITH BOTH YOUR PHYSICAL WORLDLY HELP AND ALSO YOUR HIGHER GUIDANCE. Please, beloveds, I beseech you to realize the urgency of this advice!!
If you could see the many examples of humans who refuse to take the spiritual help that is being sent to them, and then have to suffer the horrific consequences when they don’t connect with their guidance, you would be shocked!
So tell everyone to believe in a higher power and ask to be guided and protected. And also be the creative person who intends to achieve the occurrences they want in their life. Each must ask—except for the children who don’t yet understand. Again we plead that people of every culture, gender, and nationality deliberately connect with their spiritual guidance consistently—long before any problems or major catastrophes occur!
Especially in these current times when nearly every negative emotion may be expressing somewhere in the world, wouldn’t it give you a feeling of safety to know how close you are to your spiritual guidance—should you need it? Now I must pause to clarify that these remarks are not meant to create any fear but rather to explain how fortunate you are to believe in a higher power and then trust that it is there. Again I thank those of you reading this material to pause a moment and sense within you the deep love we have for you.
Yes, pause a moment and just feel love energy surround you with its caring and peace.
...pause to feel your connection... then sigh,...pause...and sigh again.
It only takes a moment to remember you are the creative child of a great Mother/Father.
And to constantly reinforce your feeling of that eternal identity.
Please pause again and feel our love for a moment before I continue this sharing. Use the energy like a warm comforter around you and remember it is always there by your choosing!
Now, beloveds, I have already recommended that you begin each day by feeling connected to God in whatever way is best for you. And I have also recommended that it is vital to stay connected to your sacred self throughout the day in occasional, deliberate pauses. Now I wish to recommend how to end the day as you prepare for sleeping.
In fact, just as important as starting your day in spiritual connection, we advise that when you go to bed at night you end the day with some quiet prayers and deep gratitude—and also willingness to receive dreams of clarity and understanding. This combination will help you live your life to its fullest throughout all your daily activities and relationships. Some people like to meditate or pause for 15–20 minutes just to release the busyness of the day...whatever helps you remember that you are a spiritual being living here on earth in physical form.
By giving gratitude and asking for whatever pertinent information would be useful to make your life more helpful and joyful, you open the accelerated possibility of receiving valuable understandings...sometimes in unusual and profound ways. Each of you could write a story about some of the extraordinary experiences and synchronicities you have had in this life—could you not?
Now we realize that when you share a bed with another person there are complications that occur to disturb your own quietude and meditations times, so there must be negotiations about each person’s needs. There must be time for physical affection, and as parents, of course, you are frequently interrupted, and sometimes overwhelmed, by the immediate attention good parenting requires.
For women, the pregnancy and birthing of a child is an enormous dedication and one that should not be taken on lightly without support from other people. Kindly do all you can to prevent teen age pregnancy where family and community support may not be available for a vulnerable infant. And remember what we have told you about the baby’s brain needing the loving energy of its parents in order to ignite and develop the frontal lobe area where its spiritual and ethical capabilities reside. When you hear about the despicable things some people do, and you wonder how anyone could do such things, it could be a case of lovelessness during the person’s infancy causing an under stimulated frontal lobe brain function.
Beloveds, I have suggested that in these times of increasingly powerful high frequency photon energies, massive eruptions from your sun, and many other galactic forces you cannot presently understand, life on earth is shifting. The earth is undergoing changes and those of her residents are profoundly affected.
That is why we outline suggestions to make your transition easier! That is why we explain that as your consciousness begins to change, your experience of time is lessened. You are losing the familiarity of 24 hours of linear time and moving toward space oriented reality! In this new and higher consciousness, your 3rd dimensional experience of linear time with its comfortable stability is receding into a more fluid and creative arena of potentiality. This means you can be more instantly creative in achieving your desires and wishes than ever before! WHAT A JOY!
But even you dear ones who understand what is happening are still physical beings with bodies that require urgent adaptations during this era of transitions. And fear is usually a formidable personality aspect in humans when changes must be made—especially if they are not understood or chosen.
Of course your soul did choose to be here and experience these changes as part of a divine mission of growth and service— which is why we remind you again and again of who you really are and what you are doing here. You are the light of this 3rd dimensional reality using wisdom and love to help yourself and others make the change to higher consciousness as safely and comfortably as possible. You are part of a celestial team with a superb opportunity to use your many talents on behalf of this civilization’s transitional return to higher dimensional reality.
That is why I remind you that you must be constant and joyful in your perseverance to keep remembering the truth...and keep participating with your own personal courage. Once again we of heaven ask you to be joyful in your FAITHFUL PERSISTENCE...and join with others so you can wisely use this power of COMMUNITY CREATIVITY. These are the tools needed to more easily reach into the stars and a new experience of what you call space/time. Please use them now!
We have been with you throughout these thousands of earth years...teachers from many philosophies and religions...all urging you toward this major time of evolutionary growth. As your elder brother it has been my commitment to aid in teaching that the power of love is the greatest energy in existence. I have promised that in forgiving yourself and others of any imagined delinquencies, the negative energy is released into the blossoming of love where flowers thrive again.
This wisdom and love energy—this Mother/Father Creator’s gift to human evolution—is stirring within you in greater and greater intensity. The time to be persistently faithful is here.
Then today I once again call you forth in remembrance of who you are and why you are here.
Let us be about using the Mother/Father’s increasing power to take human evolution forward in consciousness, closer to the homeland of your fervent spiritual desires
Remembering the enormous strength of your spiritual essence until you can use its fullness once again, I surround you with celestial love and the courage to be faithfully persistent to love.
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